Quality: Quality is good with some decay due to recent rain events. Crews are working hard to keep packs clean. Weather is forecasted to warm up and be dry after weekend rain.
Volume: Volumes are steady due to back-to-back wet weather events but are forecasted to increase with warmer, sunny weather this week.
Pack Counts: 14-16, 18-20, depending on ranch
Quality: Conventional and organic quality is good with some occurrences of button tips, green shoulders, creased fruit, berry-on-berry bruising, and decay from back-to-back rain events. Warm, dry weather is forecasted for this week and growers will be focused on cleaning up fruit.
Volume: Production is steady due to rain storms and cool weather. Volumes are anticipated to quickly increase with the forecasted warm weather.
Pack Counts: Conventional 12-14, 16-18 depending on ranch; Organic 14-18
Quality: Quality is is improving each week with some dry calyx and water damage from back-to-back rain events. Forecasted warm, dry weather will allow growers to clean up fields and fruit to ripen.
Volume: Production is anticipated to increase quickly through April as weather improves.
Pack Counts: Conventional 10-12-15 depending on ranch; Organic 12-14, 16-18 depending on ranch
Quality: Organic quality is good.
Volume: Production is light but increasing. Peak production is projected for early June.
Quality: Quality is excellent.
Volume: Rain over the weekend will reduce production slightly this week. Peak production is still estimated for mid-April through mid-May.
Quality: Organic quality is good.
Volume: Volumes are decreasing slightly as peak production tapers off.
Quality: Quality is good with nice size, color, and flavor. Occasional defects of shriveled fruit due to high temperatures.
Volume: Volume will steadily increase over the coming months.
Quality: Quality is good overall with occasional green and crumbled fruit.
Volume: Volumes are steady.
Quality: Quality is good overall with nice sheen and color. Occaisional overripe fruit and regression due to hot weather over 90 degrees.
Volume: Volumes are steady.
October 8 – 10th
Seattle, WA
“Absolutely delicious! Unbelievable life span (refrigerated)! Just as good today as when purchased 5 days ago!”