Quality: Quality is great for both conventional and organic fruit.
Volume: Volumes are increasing due to optimal weather conditions.
Pack Counts: Conventional: 20-24 depending on ranch; Organic: 20-24 depending on ranch
Quality: Quality is good with occasional green, overripe or cold-damaged fruit.
Volume: Production is decreasing as the season begins to wind down.
Pack Counts: Conventional: 24-28 depending on ranch
Quality: Quality is good with nice shape, sheen and 95%+ color.
Volume: Volumes are increasing due to warmer temperatures that will influence ripening.
Pack Counts: 14-16
Quality: Quality is good for organic and conventional fruit, with some green shoulders and water damage.
Volume: Volumes are light but increasing week-over-week for conventional spring crop. Light harvests are underway of the organic spring crop. Organic fall crop volumes are steady.
Pack Counts: Conventional spring crop: 12-16; Organic spring crop: 12-16; Organic fall crop: 28-32
Quality: Quality on arrival and at origin is good.
Volume: Volume is decreasing due to weather issues. The season is forecasted to come to a close at week 10.
Quality: Quality is good with nice bloom and flavor.
Volume: Volume has decreased slightly due to recent pruning, however is forecasted to increase week-over-week as spring growers approach their peak in mid-to-late March.
Quality: Quality is excellent with great size and bloom.
Volume: Volumes are increasing. Peak production is forecast for weeks 14-19.
Quality: Quality is good at origin.
Volume: We have two more organic containers for the season, including a full load of organic pints arriving this week.
Quality: Quality is good with occasional broken or overripe fruit.
Volume: Production is steady.
Quality: Quality is good with occasional red cell and leaky berries.
Volume: Production is steady.
Oct. 17th – 18th
Atlanta, GA
Booth #B1439
“Great product! My kids love strawberries and I’ve purchased these for them and they are the best strawberries I have found in the area. Kudos to you!”