Quality: Quality is good with nice sheen, shape, firmness, 90-95% coloring.
Volume: Volumes are steady; however are anticipated to increase in the month of March and with improved weather conditions.
Pack Counts: 14-18, depending on ranch.
Quality: Quality is good with occurrences of green shoulders and some pinrot. Fruit has a nice shape, sheen and flavor.
Volume: Volumes are slated to increase with improved weather conditions.
Pack Counts: 9-16, depending on ranch.
Quality: Conventional and organic quality is good with occasional green shoulders and pinrot.
Volume: Volumes are steady.
Pack Counts: Conventional: 9-12, 14-18, depending on ranch; Organic: 18-22, 28-30 depending on ranch
Quality: Quality is good overall with some heat related defects of overripe and soft-skinned fruit. Temperatures are expected to normalize this week and improve quality.
Volume: Production is peaking.
Pack Counts: Conventional: 22-26 depending on ranch.
Quality: Quality is good with some soft, shriveled fruit.
Volume: Volumes are expected to increase.
Quality: Organic quality is great.
Volume: Cool wet weather has slowed ripening in the region. Production will steadily increase over the next 4 weeks.
Quality: Quality is good with occasional attached flowers.
Volume: Volume will steadily increase over the coming months. Spring crop peak is forecasted for weeks 10-16.
Quality: Quality is very good with nice size and firmness.
Volume: Conventional and organic volumes are steady.
Quality: Quality is good overall with some red cell and leaky fruit.
Volume: Volumes are steady.
Oct. 17th – 18th
Atlanta, GA
Booth #B1439
“Absolutely delicious! Unbelievable life span (refrigerated)! Just as good today as when purchased 5 days ago!”