Quality: Quality is good with healthy plants and a strong flower set.
Volume: Production is slowly starting to increase as the season starts.
Pack Counts: Conventional: 18-22
Quality: Quality is good with some pin rot and deformed tips.
Volume: Volume is steady. Size anticipated to return with regulated weather pattern.
Pack Counts: Conventional Fall Crop: 20-26; Organic Fall Crop: 26-32-34 depending on ranch; Organic Spring Crop: 28-32
Quality: Quality is fair with some green fruit and decay. The season is expected to wind down over the next few weeks because of heat, rain, and pest pressure.
Volume: Production is starting to wrap up for the season; volume will decrease into November.
Pack Counts: Conventional: 20-24; Organic: 28-32
Quality: Quality is good on arrival.
Volume: Production is steady with peak production expected in early November.
Quality: Quality is good with excellent size and bloom.
Volume: Production is increasing.
Quality: Quality is excellent.
Volume: Production is steady and expected to increase in early November.
Quality: Quality is good with nice size and firm fruit.
Volume: Production is steady and anticipated to increase towards November.
Quality: Quality is fair.
Volume: Production is decreasing as the season winds down.
Quality: Quality is very good with nice size and occasional red cell.
Volume: Production is steady as peak volumes wind down.
Quality: Quality is fair.
Volume: Volumes are decreasing with light production expected to continue through November.
Oct. 17th – 18th
Atlanta, GA
Booth #B1439