Quality: Conventional quality is good with 95%+ color.
Volume: Supply is light but increasing.
Pack Counts: 15-18
Quality: Organic and conventional quality is good, with some pinrot/overripe fruit.
Volume: Production is steady.
Pack Counts: Organic spring crop: 28-32, depending on ranch; Conventional fall crop: 14-18, 28-24, depending on ranch; Organic fall crop 24-28-30, depending on ranch.
Quality: Quality of conventional fruit is good.
Volume: Light volumes are forecasted for weeks 40-44.
Quality: Quality is excellent with nice bloom and flavor.
Volume: Volume is light but steady.
Quality: Organic quality is great.
Volume: Volumes are light but steady.
Quality: Quality of conventional and organic fruit is good.
Volume: Conventional volumes are steady. Organic volumes are low but forecasted to increase in the coming weeks.
Quality: Quality is good.
Volume: Volumes are decreasing.
Quality: Quality is good with nice sheen and flavor.
Volume: Volumes are steady.
Quality: Quality is good.
Volume: Volume is steady.
October 8 – 10th
Seattle, WA
“I wanted to thank you for the care and quality you put into your blackberries. They are the only brand I will buy because of the consistency of care you put into every package. The blackberries are by far the best I have ever eaten and I thank you for your efforts in quality control.”